April 12, 2021
Stay current on what is happening at BCHS this week through our Weekly Update! Weekly Update April 11, 2021

March 28, 2021
Stay current on what is happening at BCHS this week through our Weekly Update! Weekly Update March 27, 2021

March 21, 2021
Stay current on what is happening at BCHS this week through our Weekly Update! Weekly Update March 21, 2021
March 16, 2021
Dear Rising Junior and Senior Parents - just a reminder that we will be having the Rising Junior and Rising Senior Parent Meetings (students may attend as well!) this Thursday...

March 15, 2021
Stay current on what is happening at BCHS this week through our Weekly Update! Weekly Update March 14, 2021
March 10, 2021
CTAE (Career, Technical & Agricultural Education) Scholarship(s) - $1,000 Presented by Richmond Hill Bryan County Chamber of Commerce The Richmond Hill Bryan County ...
March 10, 2021
The Military Impacted Schools Association (MISA) facilitates and awards merit-based scholarships for eligible students of all active-duty military members attending a current MISA...
March 8, 2021
Ms. Valerie Bastian is known as our resident marketing principles and sports and entertainment teacher, however, her background in marketing is too interesting not to be mentioned...

March 8, 2021
Stay current on what is happening at BCHS this week through our Weekly Update! Weekly Update March 7, 2021
March 8, 2021
During February, Black History and CTAE month, I would like to recognize Oprah Winfrey for her contribution to the marketing profession. Oprah Winfrey is a broadcaster, publisher,...
March 8, 2021
During February, Black History and CTAE month, I would like to recognize Michael Jordan for his contribution to the marketing profession. “Michael Jeffrey Jordan, also known by hi...
March 8, 2021
Bryan County High School salutes Career, Technical, and Agricultural (CTAE) Teacher, Ms. Kelly Hiatt. While earning her Bachelor’s of Science in Education, Language Arts and Art...
March 8, 2021
This is Johnathan Wanzer from Ms. Bastian's Marketing Principles Class. My favorite activities about marketing are learning real-life marketing jobs and opportunities to practice...

March 8, 2021
This is Hunter Hall from Ms. Bastian's Marketing Principles Class. My favorite activities in marketing are making pictures, logos (←my original design here), drawing, designing, ...

March 1, 2021
Stay current on what is happening at BCHS this week through our Weekly Update! Weekly Update March 1, 2021

February 25, 2021
On behalf of the MEGAGENESIS Savannah Committee, here is information regarding the upcoming college and career fair which will be held this Saturday, February 27, 2021. This year...

February 21, 2021
Stay current on what is happening at BCHS this week through our Weekly Update! Weekly Update February 21, 2021

February 15, 2021
Stay current on what is happening at BCHS this week through our Weekly Update! Weekly Update February 14, 2021
February 12, 2021
Current 10th and 11th grade students (and parents!)- if you are interested in applying to Georgia Southern University, please plan sign up to participate in this virtual informati...
February 10, 2021
BCHS will be having another SAT school day test on March 24 th . It is on a first-come, first-serve basis, so please register PRIOR to Feb. 18 th on My Payments Plus.