Good Morning from Bryan County High School!
Let's get ready to #CelebrateMonday
Check out our news here https://www.smore.com/3z7xh
Go Redskins!

Did you know that employees of Bryan County Schools who live out of district can make application for their children to attend school in Bryan County? We have immediate openings in Transportation (bus drivers), Operations (custodians), and School Food Nutrition (school nutrition workers), and these positions have hours that can work around your child’s school schedule. If you are interested in one of these positions, please contact Debi McNeal, Director of Human Resources, at dmcneal@bryan.k12.ga.us , or call 912-851-4000.

Students and parents can order online in advance with a debit or credit card. This is a great way for all to order instead of having to worry about bringing order forms and money on picture day.

Picture Day!!

Check out the news for next week at Bryan County High School! Pictures are Tuesday!
Go Redskins!

Attention 2022 Seniors and Parents!
The make-up day for senior photos is Tuesday, August 10th. Check your email for a detailed message from Dr. McBride and respond to it with any questions you have.
On picture day, come to school ready to take your photos that morning.
• Boys should wear or bring a solid white t-shirt to wear under the tuxedo and graduation gown.
• Girls should wear or bring a spaghetti strap or strapless top to wear under the formal drape that will be provided. Also bring a string of pearls or other jewelry.
Everyone can choose their outfit for the casual photo. Only one background will be available.
The session fee is $25 and packages are available for purchase.

This is a message from your favorite high school: Bryan County High School!
One last chromebook pick up call: TODAY 1-3 outside the media center.
Can't come today-- ABC process throughout the day tomorrow!
Remember: Freshman need parent signatures! Link to form on website!
Also: there will be an additional day to paint your parking spot! Stay tuned for more information!

Good Evening from BCH!
Check out our news for this week! We will welcome scholars back to campus on Tuesday! We can't wait to see you! #BeBC

Bryan County Schools would like to hear from you!
We are asking all families in the district to complete this survey (link below). The collected data will assist our district with obtaining local, state, and federal funds to provide additional resources to Bryan County students and their households. Survey window will close on August 10th at 11:59 PM. Thank you in advance for participating and for your responses!

This message is from Bryan County High School!
Still need your Chromebook? Come today or Monday from 1-3 PM on campus outside of the Media Center!
Freshman--> don't forget you need a parent form signed
Sophomores-Seniors--> if your form is on file you are good to go!
Also: Paint your Parking space is Monday! 40$ for parking pass and 20$ to paint your pass. Get your designs in and approved! Questions? email Dr. Smith! Go Redskins!

This is a message from Bryan County High School!
Open House is tonight!
Welcome to Bryan County High School from 6-7:30.
9th graders: Fill out your chromebook form with parent signature and take your chromebook home.
10th-12th graders: If you have a form from last year, sign out your chromebook. Chrombook station will be outside the media center!
We can't wait to to see you!

Good Afternoon Redskin Scholars!
GUESS WHAT? Powerschool is fixed now!
Remember, go to the *new link.
Scholars: Your username is your student number and your password is DOB-- format is YYYY-MM-DD (and yes, include the dashes)

Click on the following link to check out our 2021-2022 Back to School newsletter! https://5il.co/vnns

Powerschool Update:
Please use the link from the Bryan County Schools website.
Click on the STUDENTS/PARENTS tab
Then you log in.
From a student account: student log ins are:
username: student number
password: date of birth (format YYYY-MM-DD)

Good Afternoon Redskin Scholars!
Powerschool is not open to view your schedule.
Requests for course changes will be accepted by completing the form below. The window to request changes begins today and closes at 4:00 pm on July 30th . Please understand that only requests made for schedule errors (missing classes, scheduled for a course previously taken, etc.) will be addressed. Requests for changes to electives or specific teachers will not be addressed. We will do our best to address each concern. Please keep in mind that completion of this form does not guarantee a schedule change. Thanks in advance for your cooperation in helping us get off to an ELITE start for 2021-2022!

Attention: Rising Redskin 9th Grade Scholars! Join us for our Rising Redskins tonight at 6:00 in the cafeteria.
*Meet some staff
*Q and A
*Get your schedule (pending PowerSchool)

BCH- Check out our Back to School Update! Powerschool is still not working-- but read the BUZZ for more information!

Have questions about the schedule? Schedule a scholar sit down by completing the form here: These meetings can be face to face or vitual. These meeting are for scholars. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfIKiu6Qy1pJn1vgbndiX8elrmQOhlskqi6qo-LaajFSfKkZQ/viewform?usp=sf_link
Remember: Rising Redskins for 9th grade is Wednesday July 21st from 6:00-6:30 PM. We will meet in the cafeteria to answer your questions and several teachers will be there, including administration. #REDskinsRISE

Check out our BCH summer news here:

Join us for the live stream of Senior Honors Night 2021.